Setting the Scene:

With so many screens and billboards around us, it is pretty impossible to go any significant amount of time without seeing an advertisement. Videos are a common way of advertising, as they catch people's attention more quicker than other methods.

About the Project:

With such a great product on their hands, advertising it is only natural. Keeping this in mind, I had to create Motion Graphics-based video for the PS5 as part of a college project.

Challenges Faced:

The main issue with creating an advertisement is that people are already bombarded with so many of them that if yours doesn't strike them, people won't notice it. Moreover, trying to do so while strictly following the brand's guidelines.

Thinking it Out:

Given Sony's guidelines for the PS5, all the elements on the screen, especially their movements, should adhere to Sony's branding as closely as possible. Animations should be smooth, as if the graphics are gliding on the screen, and free of any jerky motion.

Getting to Work:

I quickly decided to use Kinetic Type to accomplish this assignment's goal of creating a beautiful, free-flowing motion graphic-based advertisement to showcase the breathtaking capabilities of the PlayStation 5 and its accessories.

Skills Exercised:

I only used Adobe After Effects for this project.