Family of Eateries
(Restaurant Web Interface)
An intuitive web interface prototype for booking reservations online.
/case_study.htmlRemember Me!
(Web-Based Flash Cards)
A simple mix of flash cards and fill-in-the-blanks to test and improve one's vocabulary of web and design technical terms.
/case_study.htmlVAGARI Outdoors
(Branding + Retail Installation)
A proof of concept for using alternative input devices to make the shopping experience more enticing for shoppers.
/case_study.htmlSnowbird Tourism
(Featurette Video)
A short video advertisement for a tourism brand for people who want something different from their vacations.
/case_study.htmlSONY PlayStation 5 Video
(Product Video)
A motion graphics based concept video advertisement for the PS5 showcasing its' features and capabilities.
/case_study.htmlDurham College Signage
(Digital Signage)
A conceptual digital sign for deplyoying across Durham College's campuses to promote and inform students of the latest happenings.
/case_study.htmlMaterials Testing App
(Collaborative Project)
An web interface prototype to make materials test bookings online.