01 Snapshot

Family of Eateries
(Restaurant Web Interface)

An intuitive web interface prototype for booking reservations online.

02 Snapshot

Remember Me!
(Web-Based Flash Cards)

A simple mix of flash cards and fill-in-the-blanks to test and improve one's vocabulary of web and design technical terms.

03 Snapshot

VAGARI Outdoors
(Branding + Retail Installation)

A proof of concept for using alternative input devices to make the shopping experience more enticing for shoppers.

04 Snapshot

Snowbird Tourism
(Featurette Video)

A short video advertisement for a tourism brand for people who want something different from their vacations.

05 Snapshot

SONY PlayStation 5 Video
(Product Video)

A motion graphics based concept video advertisement for the PS5 showcasing its' features and capabilities.

06 Snapshot

Durham College Signage
(Digital Signage)

A conceptual digital sign for deplyoying across Durham College's campuses to promote and inform students of the latest happenings.

07 Snapshot

Materials Testing App
(Collaborative Project)

An web interface prototype to make materials test bookings online.
