Setting the Scene:

With the advent of COVID-19, everyone had to stay at home while social distancing. This worldwide phenomena resulted in the meteoric rise of online consumerism during that period.

This behaviour is likely to stay, as even with things opening up again, people find it hard to justify going to a brick-and-mortar store when they can easily order it online.

Customers now not only care for the product they are getting; they also want the experience to be exclusive and rewarding.

About the Project:

People want a compelling reason to visit a physical retail store, and all that begins with a state-of-the-art Interactive Retail Experience.

Harnessing the power of alternative input devices, the Retail Installation Concept aims to intrigue and excite shoppers looking for a unique shopping experience.

Challenges Faced:

This project was probably the most challenging for me by far, as I had to demonstrate my skills across nearly all domains of design.

On one hand, I had to think about utilising the alternative input devices in a way that the end user doesn't get frustrated while trying to use it.

On the other, I also had to think about creating a suitable brand identity by using all of the design skills taught to us, and then implement it across various types of media such as, clothing, web, and print.

Thinking it Out:

Interactive Catalogue Station:
The concept of interacting by physically picking up a related product adds a level of interactivity that creates a closer connection to a product and store.

Rotating Showcase Station:
Using modern gesture technology to give a simulated 360 view of the chosen product keeps the user engaged and excited.

Touchscreen Ordering Station:
A familiar purchasing experience but takes the adage of “try before you buy” to the next level and propels it into the future.

Promo Video Station:
Scanning QR codes to engage with or explore topics related to the area where these QR codes are deployed.

Getting to Work:

Interactive Catalogue Station:
Animated instructions visually teach the user how to interact with the catalogue by picking up physical products and pressing buttons on a table in front of a large screen.
Picking up an item will trigger a light sensor embedded in the table, which reveals a catalogue-style layout of related products.
Once one of the three screens is displayed, the user can press the button above where the product they picked up is to see a screen related to the highlighted item.

Rotating Showcase Station:
Animated instructions visually teach the customer how to interact with the station; by using a hand tracking module in front of a large screen.
Customer will swipe their hand in the air over the controller left or right to rotate the featured item revealing animated product content.
The user can also gesture up and down to access the product highlight screen with more information once they have begun looking at the item.

Touchscreen Ordering Station:
Animated instructions visually teach the customer how to interact with the station; by using a hand tracking module in front of a large screen.
Customer will swipe their hand in the air over the controller left or right to rotate the featured item revealing animated product content.
The user can also gesture up and down to access the product highlight screen with more information once they have begun looking at the item.

Promo Video Station:
This station provides a familiar experience of scanning QR codes to engage with or explore topics related to the area where these QR codes are deployed.